Support By Email:
In case you have any problem or issue during operating with a device, check the FAQ on the instruction manual. Then, read the maunal carefully. Finally, with a details of issue plus the Model No, copy of a purchase reciept, send your questions through email to:
By Traditional Phone Call
With a direct calling, you will get our instant support to resolve most of operation issues once you find something wrong during operating a camera, Check our Office Phone No. below and call us within our office hours:
By Freecall InterCall
Dial Freecall Hotline 80085588 directly with Freecall InterCall function on your device. (900 +country code is not required)
Most of operation issues were usually observed to be caused by one or more improper setting or networking. Ask a question and get an answer from the Help Topics below will assist you to resolve most of issues instantly. Suppose you still are having problem, call us with Freecall Intercall or traditional phone. Our support Center with senior technician that average over 10 years of Experience will will analyze your needs and offer you the useful advises shortly.
Our Technical Support team are available for difference platforms like Android ; IOS ; Windows ; Blackberry world to simplifies network maintenance, and saves you time by providing tools or suggestions to help troubleshoot issues, research products, update & track RMAs. We will manage your installation base anywhere, anytime!
This place will guide you through all the updated instruction manuals for all freecall products and Apps. It is suitable for all platforms that Freecall users are using. Our user manual ...
You can get the latest App, software program on PC and useful network tool from our web space.
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